I.P. Warren Allen and Lady Shelia
He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the temple and exercises general supervision over the temple. He is responsible to Shriners International for the government of his temple.
He shall require his temple, its officers and members, to observe Shrine law and the temple bylaws at all times. He appoints the temple officers and committees to be appointed. He insures accurate records are kept and just accounts rendered.

Rick Troutte and Lady Sue
The chief rabban, in conjunction with the board of directors, must prepare and complete the proposed annual budget of the temple for the ensuing year in time for submission at the temple meeting at which the budget is to be approved.
If the office of potentate becomes vacant for any reason, the chief rabban shall act as potentate until a special election is held and the office thereby filled.
Serves as Chairman of the annual Circus, set guidelines for working chairmen of our various committees and serves as an active voting member of the finance committee.
Attends official functions of the Temple scheduled by the Potentate.

Charlie Fulton and Lady Kris
Serves as General Membership Chairman. Communicates with the membership the goals and awards available through signing membership petitions. Serves as an active voting member of the finance committee.
Attends official functions of the Temple scheduled by the Potentate.

Tony Norton and Lady Aimee
Serves as Hospital Benefit General Chairman. Prepares data for presentation to the membership concerning activities of the hospital. Represents our Temple publicity related to Hospital Benefit efforts.
Participates in all finance committee meetings and during the development and approval of the annual budget.
Attends official functions of the Temple as scheduled by the Potentate.

Kenneth Lawrence and Lady Emily
The official liaison between the Shrine Clubs and the Potentate. Visits Shrine Clubs and Unit meetings as required to effectively communicate between their membership and the Divan. Receive and monitor communications of the Shrine Clubs for accuracy.
Participates in all finance committee meetings
and during the development and approval of the annual budget .
Attends official functions of the Temple as scheduled by the Potentate.
Serves as Executive Aide in his absence. Prepares a list of Hella officers (past & present) to be presented at all functions at and away from the Temple.

I.S. Nick Fehrenbach and Lady Laurie
The duty of the treasurer is to act as the chief financial officer of the temple, under the general supervision of the Potentate. Act as custodian of all funds. Sign or countersign, if available, all checks for the withdrawal of funds, in accordance with resolutions adopted by the board of directors. Examine as often as necessary the financial reports and books of account of the temple. When requested at any meeting of the temple, give a financial report of the revenue and expenditures of the temple since the last report.
Submit at its annual meeting the following information: (i) An annual statement of the financial condition; (ii) An annual operating statement; and (iii) Any other or supplementary report or statement necessary to disclose the true financial condition, the nature and current value of the assets, the operating results, the income and sources thereof, of the temple and any affiliated, subsidiary or appendant corporation or fund.
Present his books and papers to the auditor whenever required. Prepare, or have prepared by a qualified individual, and timely file all tax, informational or other financial returns or documentation required by law.

I.S. Roger Carney and Lady Julia
The duty of the Recorder is to keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the temple, Issue notice to the members of each meeting, keep a just and true account of each member of the temple, present his books and papers to the auditor whenever required , keep a register of the members of the temple and any other information that the temple may find necessary, and any withdrawal, death, suspension or expulsion, as the case may be.
At the annual meeting, render a complete report of the finances, investments, membership and other matters of interest in which his office is concerned.